““Recently, I met with Juliet Sharrow from Thrive Ministry. Through her own personal journey, Juliet has helped to encourage and empower domestic violence victims. Through Thrive, Juliet is now able to help victims relocate and rebuild their lives with the extra things that our service agencies can’t assist with like furniture and household items.
She and her team also provide mentoring, budgeting and parenting classes to help these survivors create individualized plans to help them succeed in the next chapter of their lives. Thrive’s ultimate goal is to help clients break the cycle of abuse and empower them to thrive in their daily lives. We thank Juliet and her team for providing this much-needed resource in our community and wish them the very best as they set out to help these survivors.”
- State Representative Kate Klunk (as reported on Catching Up With Kate)
“Thank you for all of your help with Tender Care’s clients. Your services have been a great asset to us and them. We feel there is a great need for the support you can give women in the community.
We look forward to working closely with you in the future. It is great to know these women dealing with domestic violence have someone they can go to.”
- Jackie Kutz, Tender Care Office Manager/Volunteer Coordinator
“Victims of Domestic Violence often find themselves isolated and with very little support, emotionally and financially. Their abuser wants it that way. When they make the difficult decision to break free from their abuse, they need a lot of support to rebuild their shattered lives. Such support is not always available. The Adams County Victim Witness Program can provide assistance in navigating the criminal justice system, if a crime has been committed. There are many victims of domestic violence in our community that never report their abuse.
Juliet and THRIVE provide services and financial support to victims of Domestic Violence that are not met through other programs and service providers.
Juliet has the knowledge, skills, dedication and passion to take any donation, and make it Thrive (sorry, I couldn’t help myself). Her expertise and willingness to give of herself is a true example of discipleship. She knows when to assist, when to empower and when to ask for assistance! I just can’t tell you how much of an impact she has, to those who need her during the most difficult time of their lives.”
- Cindy Keeney, Director, Adams County Victim Witness Program
Please know I will continue to support you in all of your endeavors! Oh, how I wish as a child my mother and my siblings would have had support like you are offering. It definitely would have lessened the deep scars rooted in the horrendous experience of living with a perpetual life threatening abuser!
Sadly, those “triggers” remain that resurrect painfully traumatic experiences! It’s very much like that of soldiers dealing with chronic post stress disorder!
Forever etched in your mind and in your heart....
So, my dear Juliet, continue on your life altering journey to lift those in desperate need by showing them what love and caring feels like.....amen!
- Jane Rice, Founder, Rice Family Foundation
“THRIVE is a fabulous organization dedicated to raising women up and out of abusive relationships, and helping those women make it on their own. Led by strong people of unshakeable faith, THRIVE brings essential services and hope to victims of domestic violence, and they do it all with joy and a willing heart. We love THRIVE at Safe Home!!!”
- Leslie Dietz, PFA Office Administrator/Client Advocate, Safe Home
I have been a Thrive board member for 2 years , and am overwhelmed with the generosity of our community. Thrive is truly a special organization doing important Domestic Violence aftercare, ensuring that our clients receive what they need to live free from their abusers. I’ve seen many lives improve and become functioning, happier, healthier people. A wonderful, unfortunately necessary service.
- Dana-Jo Pearl, Board Member
We know that victims stay in abusive relationships for many reasons---fear of the unknown, their children, fear of escalated violence upon leaving, and lack of finances. Domestic violence programs help victims in many ways, providing emergency services during the critical period, but often lack staffing and resources needed to work with victims for long periods of time providing "after care".
This is where THRIVE steps in with an array of services most of which are currently unduplicated by any other organization in the immediate area. This assistance for victims who have left abusive situations and are attempting to establish stability conserves community resources in numerous ways. Most significant are decreased police response and legal intervention, and less dependence on agencies already overburdened by individuals seeking services.
THRIVE receives referrals and collaborates with well established service agencies regarding response to victims. With caring and professionalism, THRIVE enhances the ability of victims of the terrible crime of domestic violence and their children to pursue peaceful and productive lives.
- Anne Acker, Former Director of the YWCA Hanover Safe Home
I wanted to reach out to you, as a member of the Conewago Charitable Committee, to let you know what a great presentation you gave last night. The organization you have created is incredible!
- Alison Smith, Conewago Charitable Committee