Quotes From Our Clients

Octavia Lacks, Client

"I am so thankful for THRIVE. Kind, encouraging, passionate, generous, friendship, supportive, prayer, guidance, AUTHENTIC, love - those are words I'd use to describe the ministry, founder, partners, donors and everyone who help THRIVE to be what it is. My son and I have a healthy and stable life now, we are okay. Thank you for reminding me that when you survive abuse and leave, you did the most difficult part. Thank you for loving like God loves, my appreciation is endless."

Ron, Client

“Just wanted to say thank you all again, this is all very humbling for me, but I so appreciate all you guys did to help my son and I. We will never forget you!”

Kim, Client, Age 53

”Thrive is a ministry that I was told about through PCAR that would be able to help me get moved into a new place and out of a home where I had suffered various forms of abuse. But Thrive was so much more than that for me. Working with Juliet she not only set up people to help physically move me, but gave me so many items that I needed to be able to start over in my new place. It was pretty overwhelming to me to see how complete strangers were willing to give up an evening and help. I lost the support of my church when I decided to leave an abusive relationship & Thrive has been there in ways to help support me emotionally as well. They have been a Godsend for me.”

Samantha, Client, Age 21

“Thrive to me means hope for a healthy ,safe, and happy future.”

Kristina, Client

"Life is good and I'm happy. Thanks  for your care and concern. Your kindness and warm hearts are much admired and appreciated. God bless you.”

Kim, Client

"I have to say I honestly thought you were going to disappear after I asked for and received help. But, you are constantly here for us. You have no idea how appreciative I am that you continue to check in with us or deliver goodies. I have never been so grateful or blessed to have come across you. When you showed up to help us, it felt like I was seeing an old friend; from the first day you felt like family. ”

Hannah, Client

“Thank you so much for all you have done, you’ve helped me so much. I am so grateful and couldn’t do it without you.”

Stormi, Client

"You have done so much for me, I am deeply thankful for all you do, and I don't know how I would have made it without you. You and the organization you have built are truly heaven sent.”

Mindy, Client

“Thank you for all you do!! You gave me the courage to take the steps to live my life again.”

Samantha, Client

"Thrive is always there to help encourage me, support me, and to help me find ways to solve any life problems I’m feeling unable to overcome! Thank you for all your love and hard work.”

Chastity, Client

“Thrive has been the biggest blessing to me and my little Family... To finally have a support system without judgement, that allows us to be able to still have dignity and fearlessness in getting better and working on ourselves. I can only describe Thrive as a TRUE BLESSING and am so thankful for the support and not being beat down but feeling empowered to THRIVE! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING!!”

Mac5, Client

“The women who run Thrive are authentic, and sincere about their passion for helping victims of abuse and domestic violence. For me, they were the lighthouse that led me out of the sea of darkness I was drowning in and brought me safely ashore. Once there, they were also the hands that reached out and helped put me back on my feet again. Their generosity hasn’t stopped once the storm has passed, it has continued well beyond that by providing support. Whether that’s a judgement free support group, Christmas presents for you and your children, or something as simple as a bag of groceries. I don’t know where I’d be without Thrive. I am forever grateful and blessed to have found this ministry, especially the 2 wonderful ladies who make it happen.”

Krya, Client

“I can’t tell you enough how much Thrive has helped my family. I was referred at the lowest point in my life and after leaving my abuser was being stalked as well. Thrive has made me feel confident and strong and independent again and has been there for me every step of the way whether I needed to vent or needed a bit more help. Thrive to me has so much meaning but also the name fits perfectly because she has helped me to learn how to blossom and thrive again and for that I am forever grateful.”

Anonymous Client

“I can’t believe a place like Thrive even exists!”

Zack, Father of a Client

“My daughter was very depressed and suicidal. Aside from the every day stresses of teenage life, she was also a victim of abuses from a family member. I reached out for help through work, looking for a Christian counselor, to no avail. But God is good! He brought Thrive Ministries into our lives; now my daughter is getting the help she needs, something I personally couldn’t give her despite my best efforts. This ministry was vital to my well being, too. Words cannot express our gratefulness to the amazing women who are teaching us to Thrive again!”

Anonymous Client

“Thrive doesn’t go away! When I reached out for help, as I have with other organizations, I thought it would be a one time thing and I would never hear from them again. But that is not the case! They are here to stay, get you back on your feet, help you find your strength and confidence and continually check in and offer opportunities for support. With Thrive, you are never alone. I am grateful and blessed for these ladies and this organization. They understand and get it - most people don’t. You are not just another victim when you reach out. You are a survivor! In my worst of times they have been there for me. I hate asking for help, but they make it easy with no judgement. They have become family. I cannot thank them enough for the continued support for myself and kids through our most difficult of times.”

Anonymous Client

“I'm thankful to have thrived as a result of support from Thrive Ministry and Juliet! May life always be kind to those of you who help Thrive Ministry, help others.”

Marley, Client

“What does Thrive mean to me? Reclamation, strength, individuality, compassion, empathy. Unconditional love and understanding. This group has given me back pieces of myself that I thought were lost for good. It has healed parts of me that couldn’t have been healed any other way. This group was one of my first rays of sunshine after being in the dark for a great deal of my life. Nothing I say will do justice to the gratitude I feel in have such a strong and reliable connection in my life. Thrive is more than words. I hope that this conveys at least a fraction of how it feels to find a group like this after experiencing the horrors of domestic violence. I will forever be grateful for Thrive, Juliet, and all that the ministry does for me and others like me.”